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Median of the household
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 111 |
Arabic 111 |
Czech 111 |
German 111 |
Spanish 111 |
Finnish 111 |
French 111 |
Italien 111 |
[[pl-I:11#111|Template:Lang name -pl 111]] |
Portuguese 111 |
Russian 111 |
111-1 | median of the household | أفراد الأسرة المعيشية | člen domácnosti —příslušník domácnosti |
Haushaltsmitglied | miembros de familia | ruokakunnan jäsen | membre du ménage | membro della famiglia —componente della famiglia |
członkowie gospodarstwa | MEMBRO da família | Члены хозяйства —Члены семьи |
111-2 | head of the household | رئيس الأسرة المعيشية—رب الأسرة المعيشية | přednosta domácnosti | Haushaltsvorstand | cabeza de familia —jefe de familia |
ruokakunnan päämies | chef de ménage | capofamiglia —capo famiglia |
głowa gospodarstwa | CHEFE da família | Глава хозяйства —Глава семьи |
111-3 | primary earner | متكسب الرئيسي | hlavní živitel | hauptsächlicher Ernährer —hauptsächlicher Erhalter |
principal sostén económico | ensisijainen tulonsaaja | principal soutien économique | principale fonte di entrata | główny żywiciel | RESPONSÁVEL principal | Лица предоставляющие основные средства к существованию семьи —Главный кормилец семьи |
111-4 | relationship | قرابة—صلة | vztah | Stellung zum Haushaltsvorstand | razón de convivencia | asema ruokakunnassa —suhde päämieheen |
lien —relation |
relazione —legame |
pokrewieństwo | CONDIÇÃO na família —RELAÇÃO —LAÇO |
Отношение к главе семьи |
111-5 | composite household | أسر المعيشية المركبة | domácnost složená —domácnost smíšená |
gemischter Haushalt | familias complejas | yhdysruokakunta | ménage complexe | convivenza familiare complessa | gospodarstwa złożone | DOMICÍLIO coletivo | Составное хозяйство |
When a private household (110-4) contains several persons they are called members of the household1 and one of them will be the head of the household2. There is no universally accepted rule as to who is considered the head of the household —in some cases it may be the principal earner3. On some census schedules there appears a question dealing with the relationship4 (114-3*) of members of the household to its head; this enables a distinction to be made between different groups in composite households5, which contain members of more than one biological family (113-1).
- 2. The term householder is sometimes used for the head of the household.