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Infant rate
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[[pl-I:41#411|Template:Lang name -pl 411]] |
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Russian 411 |
411-1 | infant rate | معدل وفيات الرضع | míra kojenecké úmrtnosti —kojenecká úmrtnost |
Säuglingssterblichkeit | tasa de mortalidad infantil | imeväiskuolleisuusluku —imeväiskuolleisuus |
taux de mortalité infantile | quoziente di mortalità infantile | współczynnik zgonów niemowląt | TAXA de mortalidade infantil | Коэффициент детской смертности |
411-2 | infant deaths | وفيات الرضع—وفيات الذين أعمارهم اقل من عام | úmrtí kojenců | unter einem Jahr Gestorbene —gestorbene Säuglinge |
defunciones de menores de un año | ensimmäisellä ikävuodellaan kuollut | décès de moins d’un an | decesso nel primo anno di età | zgony poniżej jednego roku życia | ÓBITO idade infantil | Число умерших детей в возрасте до 1 года |
411-3 | separation factor | حصص التوزيع | dělící koeficient | Aufteilungskoeffizient | coeficientes de separación | jakamiskerroin | coefficient de répartition | coefficiente di ripartizione | współczynniki podziału (roizdzielające zgony) | FATOR de separação | Коэффициент распределения |
411-4 | stillbirth rate | معدل المواليد الأموات | míra mrtvorozenosti | Totgeborenenanteil —Totgeborenenquote |
tasas de mortinatalidad | osuus kuolleena syntyneiden | taux de mortinatalité | quoziente di natimortalità | urodzeń martwych stopa | TAXA de mortinatalidade | Коэффициент мертворождаемости |
411-5 | foetal death rate | معدل وفيات الأجنة | míra nitroděložní úmrtnosti | Häufigkeitsziffer der intrauterinen Sterblichkeit | tasas de mortalidad intrauterina | sikiökuolleisuusluku —sikiökuolleisuus |
taux de mortalité intra-utérine | quoziente di mortalità prenatale | współczynnik umieralności płodów | TAXA de mortalidade fetal | Коэффициент внутриутробной смертности |
The infant mortality rate1 is generally computed as the ratio of infant deaths2 (i. e., the deaths of children under one year of age) registered in a given year to the total number of live births registered in the same year. This rate is only an approximate measure of the true risk of death between birth and first birthday. If infant deaths are classified by year of birth and by year of death it is possible to obtain a better approximation to that risk. In the absence of such information separation factors3 may be estimated, which divide infant deaths into those occurring to infants born in the current calendar year and to infants born in the previous calendar year. Stillbirth rates4 and foetal death rates5 are computed in the same way as infant mortality rates, except that all births are used in the denominator and not live births only.
- 5. A foetal death ratio is sometimes computed, showing the ratio of the number of foetal deaths to the number of live births.