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Female reproduction rate
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 711 |
Arabic 711 |
Czech 711 |
German 711 |
Spanish 711 |
Finnish 711 |
French 711 |
Italien 711 |
[[pl-I:71#711|Template:Lang name -pl 711]] |
Portuguese 711 |
Russian 711 |
711-1 | replacement rate —reproduction rate |
معدلات التكاثر—معدلات التعويض | míra reprodukce | Reproduktionsziffer | tasas de reproducción | uusiutumisluku | taux de reproduction | saggio di riproduttività | współczynniki reprodukcji | TAXA de reprodução | Коэффициент воспроизводства |
711-2 | female reproduction rate —maternal reproduction rate |
معدلات التكاثر المؤنث | míra ženské reprodukce | weibliche Reproduktionsziffer —Ziffer der weiblichen Reproduktion |
tasas de reproducción femenina | naislinjainen uusiutumisluku | taux de reproduction féminine | saggio di riproduttività femminile | współczynniki reprodukcji kobiet | TAXA de reprodução feminina —TAXA de reprodução materna |
Коэффициент воспроизводства женского населения |
711-3 | net reproduction rate | معدل التكاثر الصافي | čistá míra reprodukce | reine Reproduktionsziffer | tasa neta de reproducción —tasa de reproducción neta |
nettouusiutumisluku | taux net de reproduction —taux de reproduction nette |
saggio netto di riproduttività femminile —saggio netto di riproduttività |
współczynnik reprodukcji netto kobiet | LÍQUIDA taxa de reprodução | Очищенный показатель воспроизводства —воспроизводства |
711-4 | gross reproduction rate | معدل التكاثر الإجمالي | hrubá míra reprodukce | rohe Reproduktionsziffer | tasa bruta de reproducción —tasa de reproducción bruta |
bruttouusiutumisluku | taux brut de reproduction —taux de reproduction brute |
saggio lordo di riproduttività femminile —saggio lordo di riproduttività |
współczynnik reprodukcji brutto kobiet | BRUTA taxa de reprodução | Брутто-коэффициент воспроизводства воспроизводства —Валовой показатель воспроизводства |
711-5 | male reproduction rate —paternal reproduction rate |
معدلات التكاثر المذكر—معدلات التكاثر الأبوي | míra mužské reprodukce | männliche Reproduktionsziffer —Ziffer der männlichen Reproduktion |
tasa de reproducción masculina | mieslinjainen uusiutumisluku | taux de reproduction masculine | saggio di riproduttività maschile | współczynnik reprodukcji w linii męskiej —współczynnik reprodukcji mężczyzn |
TAXA de reprodução masculina —TAXA de reprodução paterna |
Коэффициент воспроизводства мужского населения |
711-6 | joint reproduction rate | معدلات تكاثر الجنسين | společné míry reprodukce | kombinierte Reproduktionsziffer | tasas de reproducción de sexos combinados | yhdistetty uusiutumisluku | taux de reproduction sexes combinés | saggio di riproduttività congiunta | współczynniki reprodukcji dla obu płci łącznie | TAXA de reprodução conjunta | Общий коэффициент воспроизводства |
711-7 | cohort reproduction rate —generation reproduction rate |
معدل تكاثر الفوج | generační míry reprodukce | Generations-Reproduktionsziffer | tasas de reproducción de generaciones | kohorttiuusiutumisluku | taux de reproduction de génération | saggio di riproduttività per generazione | współczynniki reprodukcji dla generacji | TAXA de reprodução de coorte —TAXA de reprodução de geração |
Коэффициент Воспроизводства по поколениям |
711-8 | replacement index —j-ratio |
دليل التعويض | index reprodukce | Erneuerungsindex —Ersatzindex |
índice de reemplazamiento | uusiutumisindeksi | indice de remplacement | metodo di sopravvivenza dei nati —indice di sostituzione |
wskaźnik odnowy (ludności) | ÍNDICE de reposição | Индекс возобновления |
In the study of replacement a number of indices, replacement rates1 or reproduction rates1 are used. Reproduction rates are generally female reproduction rates2 or maternal reproduction rates2. The female net reproduction rate3 (see also para. 718) is defined as the average number of live daughters that would be born to a hypothetical female birth cohort (116-2) which would be subjected to current age-specific fertility (031-8) and mortality rates (401-2). A female gross reproduction rate4 is computed similarly on the assumption that mortality before the end of the reproductive age is zero. Male reproduction rates5 or paternal reproduction rates5 can be computed analogously using male births and a male birth cohort, and certain varieties of joint reproduction rates6 which take both sexes into account have been proposed. Where the experience of an actual cohort is used in the construction of reproduction rates, cohort reproduction rates7 or generation reproduction rates7 are obtained. The mortality and the fertility rates used in the construction of these rates will refer to different periods of time. Where statistics of fertility by age are not available, the so-called replacement index8 or J-ratio8 may be used. This ratio relates the quotient of the population of children of a given age (as a rule those under 1 year or 0-4 years) to the number of women of childbcaring age in the actual population to the corresponding quotient in the stationary population (703-6).
- 1. Some writers have used the term replacement rate for a reproduction rate which takes emigration and immigration into account. 4, In England a variant of the net reproduction rate, the so-called effective reproduction rate, has been calculated. In this rate current age-specific fertility rates (631-8} are used in combination with estimated future age-specific mortality (412-1) rates. The table which shows the product of the age-specific fertility rate and the number of years lived within this group in the life table is known as the net fertility schedule.