The Demopædia Encyclopedia on Population is under heavy modernization and maintenance. Outputs could look bizarre, sorry for the temporary inconvenience
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 302 |
Arabic 302 |
Czech 302 |
German 302 |
Spanish 302 |
Finnish 302 |
French 302 |
Italien 302 |
[[pl-I:30#302|Template:Lang name -pl 302]] |
Portuguese 302 |
Russian 302 |
302-1 | sub-area | مناطق فرعية | územní část —územní jednotka —územní oblast |
Gebietsteil | divisiones territoriales | osa-alue | division territoriale | divisione territoriale —circoscrizione territoriale |
podobszary | DIVISÃO territorial | Территориальное подразделение |
302-2 | administrative area —administrative unit —administrative district —legal division —political division |
مناطق إدارية—وحدات إدارية—أقسام إدارية—أقسام السياسية—أقسام السياسية | správní oblast —správní jednotka |
Verwaltungseinheit —administrative Einheit |
divisiones administrativas | hallinnollinen alue | division administrative —unité administrative |
circoscrizione amministrativa | obszary administracyjne | UNIDADE administrativa —DIVISÃO política |
Административная единица —Административно-территориальное деление |
302-3 | region | أقاليم | kraj | Gebiet —Raum —Region |
región | erityisalue | région | regione | region | REGIÃO | Район |
302-4 | zone | مناطق | zóna —pásmo |
Zone | zona | vyöhyke | zone | zona —regione statistica |
strefa | ZONA | Зона |
302-5 | natural region | إقليم الطبيعي | přirozený kraj | Naturraum —natürliches Gebiet |
región natural —país |
luonnollinen alue | région naturelle —pays |
regione naturale | region naturalny —kraina |
REGIÃO natural | Географическая зона —Ландшафтная зона —Жизненный округ —Биотоп |
302-6 | economic region | إقليم الاقتصادي | ekonomický kraj —ekonomická oblast |
Wirtschaftsgebiet —Wirtschaftsraum —Wirtschaftsregion |
regiones económicas | talousalue | région économique | regione economica | region gospodarczy | REGIÃO econômica | Экономический район |
302-7 | natural area | منطقة طبيعية | přirozená oblast | área natural | luonnollista aluetta | aire naturelle | area naturale | obszar naturalny | ÁREA natural | Область географического распределения |
The territory (301-2) in which a population lives will generally be divided into sub-areas1. For administrative purposes it may be divided into administrative areas2, administrative units2 or administrative districts2 sometimes known as legal divisions2 or political divisions2. Geographers on the other hand, may divide the area into regions3 or zones4 which may or may not correspond to administrative units. The term "region" or "zone" may be used in a number of different senses and the areas referred to may be of very different sizes. Thus one speaks of the polar regions, of climatic zones or of metropolitan regions. The terms natural region5 and economic region6 are used by geographers. The term natural area7 is used in human ecology (103-5) to define an area occupied by a population with distinct characteristics.