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From Demopædia
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 510 |
Arabic 510 |
Czech 510 |
German 510 |
Spanish 510 |
Finnish 510 |
French 510 |
Italien 510 |
[[pl-I:51#510|Template:Lang name -pl 510]] |
Portuguese 510 |
Russian 510 |
510-1 | dissolution of marriage | انحلال الزواج—حل الزواج | zánik manželství | Ehelösung —Auflösung einer Ehe |
disolución del matrimonio | avioliiton purkautuminen | dissolution du mariage | scioglimento del matrimonio —estinzione del matrimonio |
rozwiązanie małżeństwa | DISSOLUÇÃO do casamento | Прекращение брака |
510-2 | widower | أرمل | vdovec | Witwer | viudo | leskimies | veuf | vedovo | wdowiec | VIÚVO | Вдовец |
510-3 | widow | أرملة | vdova | Witwe | viudo | leskivaimo | veuf | vedova | wdowa | VIÚVO | Вдова |
510-4 | widowed person | أرامل | ovdovělý | verwitwete Person | personas viudas | leski | veuf —personne veuve |
vedovi | owdowiali | PESSOA viuva | Вдовые лица |
510-5 | widowhood | ترمل | vdovství | Witwenstand | viudez | leskeys | veuvage | vedovanza | wdowieństwo | VIUVEZ | Вдовство |
Dissolution of marriage1 (cf. 501-2) may take place by the death of one of the spouses (501-5), or, in countries where this is permissible, by process of law or by custom. If a marriage is dissolved by death the surviving spouse is called a widower2 if male and a widow3 if female. Widowed persons4 live in a state of widowhood5.
Audio pronunciation