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Czech 805 |
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Spanish 805 |
Finnish 805 |
French 805 |
Italien 805 |
[[pl-I:80#805|Template:Lang name -pl 805]] |
Portuguese 805 |
Russian 805 |
805-1 | indirect measurement of migration | قياس الهجرة غير المباشر | nepřímé zjišťování migrace | mittelbare Erfassung des Wanderungssaldos | cómputo indirecto de la migración | muuttoliikkeen välillinen mittaaminen | détermination indirecte de la migration nette | determinazione indiretta della migrazione netta | pośrednie mierzenie migracji | LEVANTAMENTO indireto da migração | Косвенный метод измерения чистой миграции |
805-2 | residual | طريقة البواقي | migrační saldo | Restbetrag | residuo —saldo |
jäännöksenä | résidu | residuo | metoda reszt (mierzenie migracji) | RESÍDUO | Числа остаточные |
805-3 | vital statistics technique | طريقة الإحصاء الحيوي | metoda přirozeného přírůstku | Methode der natürlichen Bevölkerungsbewegung | método del movimiento natural | luonnollisen väestönlisäyksen menetelmä | méthode du mouvement naturel | metodo del movimento naturale | metoda ruchu naturalnego | MÉTODO das estatísticas vitais | Метод учета естественного движения населения |
805-4 | survival ratio technique | طريقة نسب التعمير | metoda koeficientů dožití | Methode der Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeiten | método de los coeficientes de supervivencia | menetelmä eloonjäämiskertounien | méthode des coefficients de survie | metodo dei coefficienti di sopravvivenza | metoda współczynników dożycia (mierzenie migracji) | MÉTODO do coeficiente de sobrevivência | Измерение миграции с помощью коэффициентов дожития |
805-5 | migration rate | معدلات الهجرة | míra stěhování | Mobilitätsziffer —Wanderungsziffer |
tasas de migración | muuttaneisuusluku —muuttaneisuus —suhteellinen muuttoluku |
taux de migration | quoziente generico del movimento migratorio | współczynniki migracji | TAXA de migração | Коэффициент миграции |
Where it is not possible to determine migration directly, the indirect measurement of migration1 involves estimates obtained by the residual2 method, in which the change in population between two dates is compared with the change due to natural growth and the difference between the two figures attributed to migration. The vital statistics technique3 consists of computing the difference between total population change and natural increase (701-7). In the survival ratio technique4 the death rates of the inter-censal period are applied to age (326-5) the census population and to give the expected population at the end of the period. A comparison between the observed and the expected population may be used to estimate the balance of migration by age. If it were possible to obtain data on either net or gross migration and on the mean population of the area concerned, migration rates5 showing the incidence of migration could be computed. In practice, however, it is extremely difficult to specify the population at risk and such rates are therefore rarely used.