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Population statistics
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 130 |
Arabic 130 |
Czech 130 |
German 130 |
Spanish 130 |
Finnish 130 |
French 130 |
Italien 130 |
[[pl-I:13#130|Template:Lang name -pl 130]] |
Portuguese 130 |
Russian 130 |
130-1 | population statistics —demographic |
إحصاء السكاني—إحصاء الديموجرافي | demografická statistika | Bevölkerungsstatistik —demographische Statistik |
Estadística demográfica | väestötilasto | statistique démographique | statistica della popolazione —statistica demografica |
statystyka ludnościowa —statystyka demograficzna |
ESTATÍSTICA demográfica | Демографическая статистика —Статистика населения |
130-2 | numerical data | بيانات العددية | číselná data —číselný údaj |
zahlenmäßige Angaben —numerische Daten |
datos numéricos | numerotieto | renseignement numérique —donnée numérique |
dato statistico | informacje liczbowe —dane liczbowe |
DADO numérico | Цифровые данные |
130-3 | observation | مشاهدات | pozorování | Beobachtungen | observaciones | havainto | observation | osservazione | obserwacje | INFORMAÇÕES | Материалы наблюдения |
130-4 | collected | جمع المشاهدات | zjišťovati —sbírati |
erheben —sammeln |
recogidos | koota | collecter | rilevazione | zebranie (obserwacji) | COLETADA | Собирание сведений |
130-5 | edited —scrutinize |
تنقيح المشاهدات—فحص المشاهدات | kontrolovati | prüfen —kontrollieren —revidieren |
depurados | tarkastaa | contrôler —vérifier |
controllo —revisione —verifica |
skontrolowanie (obserwacji) —sprawdzenie (obserwacji) |
Данных контроль —Данных проверка |
130-6 | tabulate | تبويب المشاهدات | sestavení do tabulek —tabelování |
Tabellierung —Fassung in Tabellen |
tabulados | taulukoida —tabuloida |
mise en tableau | sistemazione in tabelle —sistemazione in tavole |
zestawienie tablic | TABULADA | Построение таблиц |
130-7 | grouping —classifying |
تصنيف المشاهدات | třídění | Gruppenbildung —Klassifizierung |
clasificación | luokitella —ryhmitellä |
classement | spoglio | grupowanie | ORDENAÇÃO —CLASSIFICAÇÃO |
Группировка |
130-8 | group | مجموعات المشاهدات—فئات المشاهدة | skupina —třída |
Gruppe —Klasse |
grupo —clases |
luokka —ryhmä |
classe | classe | grupy —klasy |
Группы данных |
130-9 | class —collation |
تجهيز | statistické zpracování | statistische Aufbereitung | explotación estadística | tilastollinen käyttely | exploitation statistique | formazione dei dati statistici | opracowanie statystyczne | APURAÇÃO | Обработка данных наблюдения —Статистическая сводка |
The terms population statistics1 or demographic statistics1 (102-2), when used in the singular, denote methods of quantitative analysis of population data, or, more generally, the art of collecting and presenting statistical information about the population. When used in the plural (cf. 102,2) they refer to numerical data2 about populations, which are based on observations3. After such observations have been collected4, edited5 or scrutinized5 to eliminate obvious inconsistencies, they are tabulated6 by grouping7 or classifying7 (cf. 221-5) them into different groups8 or classes9 (cf. 116-2*). The processes from editing to tabulation are sometimes referred to as the collation9 of data.
- 1. statistics n. — statistical adj. — statistician n., a specialist in statistics.
- 4. collect v. — collection n,
- 5. edit v. — editing n. scrutinize v. — scrutiny n.
- 6. tabulate v. — tabulation n.
- 7. classify v. — classification n. 9. collation n. — collate v.