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Non-marriageable population
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 514 |
Arabic 514 |
Czech 514 |
German 514 |
Spanish 514 |
Finnish 514 |
French 514 |
Italien 514 |
[[pl-I:51#514|Template:Lang name -pl 514]] |
Portuguese 514 |
Russian 514 |
514-1 | marriageable population | صالحون للزواج | sňatkuschopné obyvatelstvo | ehefähige Bevölkerung | población casadera | avioitumiskelpoinen väestö | population mariable | popolazione coniugabile —popolazione matrimoniabile |
ludność zdolna do małżeństwa | POPULAÇÃO casadoura —POPULAÇÃO núbil |
Бракоспособное население |
514-2 | non-marriageable population | غير الصالحين للزواج | sňatkuneschopné obyvatelstvo | nicht ehefähige Bevölkerung | población no casadera | avioitumiskelpoisuutta vailla oleva väestö | population non mariable | popolazione non coniugabile —popolazione non matrimoniabile |
ludność niezdolna do małżeństwa | POPULAÇÃO não casadoura | Небракоспособное население |
514-3 | first marriage rate | زواج الأول | první sňatek | Erstehe —Ehe von Ledigen |
primer matrimonio | ensikertainen avioituminen | premier mariage | primo matrimonio | małżeństwa pierwsze | MATRIMÔNIO primeiro —NÚPCIAS primeiras |
Первый брак |
514-4 | remarriage | زواج الثاني—زواج التالي | další sňatek | Wiederverheiratung | matrimonios sucesivos —segundas, terceras nupcias |
uudelleen avioituminen | remariage | matrimonio successivo al primo | małżeństwa dalsze —małzenstwa powtórne |
MATRIMÔNIO sucessivo —TERCEIRAS núpcias |
Вступление в новый брак |
514-5 | order of marriage | مرتبة الزواج | pořadí manželství | Ordnungszahl der Ehe | orden de matrimonio | avioliiton järjestysluku | rang de mariage | ordine del matrimonio | kolejność małżeństwa | CASAMENTO, ordem do | Порядковый счет браков |
For demographic purposes a distinction is sometimes drawn between the marriageable population1, i.e., persons who are legally free to contract a marriage, and the non-marriageable population2, i. c, those who are not free to do so. Widowed or divorced persons may contract a new marriage; there is thus a distinction between a first marriage3 and a marriage of a higher order sometimes called a remarriage4. Because the order of marriage5 may differ for the two spouses (501-5), the term "first marriage" is ambiguous unless specified as referring to groom (501-6*) or to bride (501-7*) or to both parties. Some demographers limit the term "first marriage", unless otherwise specified, to a marriage between, a bachelor (515-3) and a spinster (515-4).