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Median length of life
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Section | English 434 |
Arabic 434 |
Czech 434 |
German 434 |
Spanish 434 |
Finnish 434 |
French 434 |
Italien 434 |
[[pl-I:43#434|Template:Lang name -pl 434]] |
Portuguese 434 |
Russian 434 |
434-1 | median length of life —probable length of life |
أجل الوسيط—أجل المحتمل | pravděpodobná délka života | wahrscheinliche Lebensdauer | vida mediana | mediaanielinaika —todennäköinen elinaika |
vie médiane —vie probable |
vita mediana alla nascita —vita probabile dei neonati |
środkowe trwanie życia —trwanie prawdopodobne życia |
VIDA provável —VIDA mediana |
Вероятная продолжительность предстоящей жизни |
434-2 | modal age at death —normal age at death |
عمر المنوالي للمتوفين—عمر المعتاد عند الوفاة | normální věk zemřelých | häufigstes Sterbealter —Normalsterbealter —normale Lebensdauer |
edad modal de los fallecidos —vida normal |
tavallisin kuolinikä —tyypillinen kuolinikä |
âge modal au décès —âge normal au décès —vie normale |
età normale dei morti —età modale dei morti —vita normale —vita modale |
modalny wiek w chwili zgonu —normalny wiek w chwili zgonu |
IDADE modal de óbito —IDADE normal de óbito —ÓBITO idade normal |
Модальное распределение повозрастной смертности —Нормальный возраст смерти |
434-3 | human longevity —length of life |
طول الحياة البشرية | délka lidského života | normale menschliche Lebensdauer | duración de la vida humana | ihmisen normaalinen elinikä | durée de la vie humaine | durata della vita | długowieczność ludzka —długość życia |
DURAÇÃO da vida humana | Продолжительность человеческой жизни |
434-4 | life span | مدى العمر | maximální délka života | Höchstalter | longevidad | ihmisen enimmäiseunikä | longévité | longevità | kraniec życia | LONGEVIDADE | Предельный возраст —Предельное долголетие |
The median length of life1 (cf. 140-6) sometimes called the probable length of life1 is the age at which half the original cohort (116-2) of births have died. After infancy the distribution of deaths by age in the life table (431-1) will usually have a mode (140-8) and the age corresponding to it is called the modal age at death2, or sometimes the normal age at death2. It may be of interest as an indicator of human longevity3 or the length of life3 corresponding more closely to the sense in which the term is used in everyday language than either the mean (433-4) or the probable length of life. The term life span4 is sometimes used for the maximum possible length of human life.