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Logarithmic graph

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Logarithmic graph  (LOGARITHMIC GRAPH)

Methods of graphic representation1 or diagrammatic representation1 may be used to illustrate an argument. Here the data are represented in a diagram2, graph2, figure2 (cf. 131-3), chart3 or map3. In France the word schema is used to denote a diagram which gives a schematic4 representation of a problem. Where in a diagram one co-ordinate axis is graduated logarithmically and the other arithmetically, the graph is called a semi-logarithmic graph5, though such graphs are often inaccurately referred to as logarithmic graphs5. A true logarithmic graph6 has both axes graduated logarithmically and is sometimes referred to as a double logarithmic graph6. Frequency distribution may be represented graphically by frequency polygons7, obtained by joining points representing class frequencies by straight lines, or by histograms8, where a class frequency is represented by the area of a rectangle with the class interval as its base, or by bar charts9, in which the class frequencies are proportionate to the length of a bar.