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Central death rate
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 432 |
Arabic 432 |
Czech 432 |
German 432 |
Spanish 432 |
Finnish 432 |
French 432 |
Italien 432 |
[[pl-I:43#432|Template:Lang name -pl 432]] |
Portuguese 432 |
Russian 432 |
432-1 | death function | جدول الوفيات | úmrtnostní funkce | tafelmäßig Gestorbene | tabla de fallecidos | kuolleiden ikäjakauma | table des décès | tavola dei decessi | funkcja zgonów | FUNÇÃO de mortalidade | Числа умирающих |
432-2 | probability of death | نسبة الوفيات—احتمال الوفاة | pravděpodobnost úmrtí | Sterbewahrscheinlichkeit | probabilidad de muerte | kuolemanvaara —kuolemanvaaraluku |
quotient de mortalité —quotient annuel de mortalité |
probabilità di morte —probabilità annua di morte |
prawdopodobieństwo zgonu | PROBABILIDADE de morte | Вероятность смерти |
432-3 | central death rate | معدل الوفيات المركزي | tabulkový koeficient úmrtnosti | Sterbetafel-Sterbeziffer —Sterbetafel-Sterbekoeffizient —reine Sterbeziffer |
coeficientes medios de mortalidad | keskikuolleisuus | taux moyen de mortalité | quoziente medio di mortalità —coefficiente medio di mortalità —tasso centrale di mortalità |
centralny współczynnik zgonów | COEFICIENTE central de mortalidade | Табличный коэффициент смертности |
432-4 | force of mortality —instantaneous death rate |
معدل الوفيات اللحظي—وطأة الموتان | intensita úmrtnosti | Sterblichkeitskraft —Sterblichkeitsintensität |
coeficiente instantáneo de mortalidad —tasa instantánea de mortalidad |
kuolleisuuden intensiteetttiluku | quotient instantané de mortalité —taux instantané de mortalité |
tasso istantaneo di mortalità —forza di mortalità |
natężenie umieralności —chwilowa stopa zgonów |
FÔRÇA de mortalidade —INSTANTÂNEA, taxa de mortalidade |
Сила смертности |
The differences between the number of survivors (431-4) at different ages give the number of deaths within the age interval or the death function1. The ratio of deaths between ages x and x + n to the number of survivors at age x is called the probability of death2 between ages x and x+ n. The central death rate3 is the ratio of deaths between ages x and x + n to the mean population alive at that age. The force of mortality4 or instantaneous death rate4 is the derivative of the natural logarithm of the survivorship function (431-3) taken negatively.
- 1. The number of deaths between ages x and x + n is written ndx and between ages x and x + 1 is written dx.
- 2. The probability of dying between age x and x + n is written nqx and between ages x and x + 1 is written qx.
- 3. The central death rate at age x is written mx.
- 4. The force of mortality at age x is written µx.