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Affinal relationship
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 114 |
Arabic 114 |
Czech 114 |
German 114 |
Spanish 114 |
Finnish 114 |
French 114 |
Italien 114 |
[[pl-I:11#114|Template:Lang name -pl 114]] |
Portuguese 114 |
Russian 114 |
114-1 | descent | نسل | potomek | Deszendent —Abkömmling —Nachfahr |
descendencia | jälkeläistö | descendance | discendenza | potomstwo | DESCENDÊNCIA | Происхождение |
114-2 | progenitor —ancestor |
سلف | předek | Aszendent —Stammvater —Stammutter —Vorfahr |
ascendiente | esivanhemmat | ascendant | ascendente | przodek | ASCENDENTE | Предок |
114-3 | blood relative —genetic relatives —kin |
أقرباء الدم—أقرباء الدم | příbuzenství | Verwandter —Blutsverwandter |
parientes | suku —verisukulainen |
parent —apparenté |
parente | krewni | PARENTE | Родственники |
114-4 | degree of relationship | درجة القرابة—درجة القربى | stupeň příbuzenství | Grad der Blutsverwandtschaft | grado de parentesco | sukulaisuuden aste | degré de parenté | grado di parentela | osoby spokrewnione —stopień pokrewieństwa |
GRAU de parentesco | Степень (родства) |
114-5 | filial relation | بنوة | filiace —synovství |
Zeugungsschritt | filiación | polveutuma | filiation | filiazione | synostwo | FILIAÇÃO | Происхождение детей от данных родителей |
114-6 | parenthood | أبوة و الأمومة | otcovství —mateřství —rodičovství |
Vaterschaft —Vater-Kind-Beziehung —Mutterschaft —Mutter-Kind-Beziehung |
maternidad | vanhemmuus —isyys —äitiys |
paternité —maternité |
paternità —maternità |
ojcostwo —macierzyństwo |
Отцовство |
114-7 | offspring —progeny |
ذرية—نسل—سلالة—خلف | potomstvo | Nachkommenschaft | prole | jälkeläinen | progéniture | figliolanza —prole |
progenitura | PROLE —PROGÊNIE |
Потомок |
114-8 | affinal relationship —relationship by marriage |
مصاهرة—صلة الزواج | švagrovství | Schwägerschaft —Verschwägerung |
afmidad | aviosukulaisuus —lankous |
alliance | affinità | powinowactwo | AFINIDADE | Свойство |
Persons related through common descent1 from the same progenitor2 or ancestor2 are called blood relatives3 or genetic relatives3. The term kin3 is also used. The degree of relationship4 is generally computed by reference to the number of steps which are necessary before a common ancestor is reached, but there are many different methods of computation. The fundamental relation in each of these steps is the filial relation5 (112-6* and 112-7*) of child to parent, which is the reciprocal of parenthood6(112-2*) i. e., the relation of a couple or of a father or mother to offspring7or progeny7. Blood relationship must be distinguished from affinal relationship8 or relationship by marriage8, which marriage establishes between one spouse and the kin of the other.
- 1. descent n. — descendant n., one linked through descent.
- 2. ancestor n. — ancestral adj.
- 3. relative n. — related adj. — relationship n., the state of being related.
The term relative in ordinary language is used for both blood and affinal relatives. kin n. and adj. — relative, related — sometimes also used for the collection of all kin — kinship n., the state of being kin. - 7. progeny n. — this term may also be used for all the descendants of a common ancestor.