The Demopædia Encyclopedia on Population is under heavy modernization and maintenance. Outputs could look bizarre, sorry for the temporary inconvenience
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 230 |
Arabic 230 |
Czech 230 |
German 230 |
Spanish 230 |
Finnish 230 |
French 230 |
Italien 230 |
[[pl-I:23#230|Template:Lang name -pl 230]] |
Portuguese 230 |
Russian 230 |
230-1 | accuracy | دقة | přesnost | Genauigkeit | precisión | tarkkuus | précision | precisione —accuratezza |
demograficznej statystyki dokładność | EXATIDÃO | Учета точность —Точность учета |
230-2 | completeness | تمام | úplnost | Vollständigkeit | integridad | täydellisyys | complétude | completo —totale |
kompletność (czynności) | COMPLETAEILIDADE | Полнота собираемых сведений |
230-3 | omission —under-registration —under-enumeration |
إغفال—حذف—تسجيل الناقص—حصر الناقص | vynechání —opomenutí —nezapočtení |
Unterlassung —Lücke |
omisiones —lagunas |
poisjääminen —kato |
omission —lacune |
omissione —lacuna |
pominięcie (w rejestracji) —luki (w rejestracji) |
Недоучет —Пропуски —Описки |
230-4 | multiple counting —over-registration |
عد المتكرر—تسجيل الزائد | několikanásobné započítání | Doppelzählung —mehrfache Zählung |
cómputo múltiple | kaksinkertainen laskenta | comptage multiple | duplicazione —conteggio ripetuto |
kilkakrotne policzenie | CONTAGEM múltipla —REGISTRO indevido |
Двойные записи |
230-5 | misreporting | خطا التبليغ | nesprávná výpověď | Irrtum in den Angaben | errores de declaración | virheellisten tietojen antaminen | erreur de déclaration | dichiarazione errata | błędne podawanie informacji | ÊRRO de declaração | Сообщение неправильных сведений |
230-6 | tabulating error | أخطاء التبويب | chyba při třídění | Irrtum in der Gruppeneinreihung | errores de clasificación | virheellinen luokittelu | erreur de classement | errore di classificazione | błędne zaklasyfikowanie (informacji) | ÊRRO de classificação | Неправильная классификации |
230-7 | post-enumeration test —quality check |
ضوابط الجودة—ضوابط الجودة | kontrolní šetření | Kontrollerhebung —Gütestichprobe —Qualitätsstichprobe |
encuestas de control —encuestas de calidad |
laaduntarkistustiedustelu | enquête de contrôle —enquête de qualité |
sondaggio di controllo | sprawdzenie kontrolne (informacji) | INQUÉRITO de contrôle —TESTE de qualidade |
Повторная регистрация |
230-8 | not stated —unknown |
غير مبين—غير واضح | neznámo —nezjistiti —neudati |
ohne Angabe —ohne nähere Angabe —ungenau bezeichnet —unrichtig bezeichnet |
desconocido —no consta —mal definido —mal especificado |
ilmoittamatta —epätäydellisesti vastattu —tuntematon |
indéterminé —non-déclaré —non-spécifié —mal défini —mal désigné |
non indicato —mal definito —non specificato —ignoto |
informacje niewiadome —informacje nie podane —błędnie podane informacje |
Вопросы, оставленные без ответа |
The accuracy1 of population statistics will depend among other factors on the completeness2 of the operation on which they are based. Inaccuracies may be due to omission3, under-registration3 or under-enumera-tion3, to multiple counting4 or over-registration4, to misreporting5 of a characteristic such as age, or to tabulating errors6. Such inaccuracies are sometimes detected by post-enumeration tests7 or quality checks7. Occasionally certain questions are not answered or insufficiently answered and this may lead to considerable inaccuracy, the incidence of which is indicated by the frequency of the class (130-9) designated as not stated8 or unknown8.
- 1. accuracy n. — accurate adj.
- 2. completeness n. — complete adj.
The terms "complete" and "completeness" are used here to express the absence of omissions, under-registration etc. The same terms were also used (202-4*) as opposed to sampling procedures.