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Difference between revisions of "Under-population"

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(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{NewLineT|S=902|N=1}} {{
{{NewLineT|S=902|N=1}} {{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=1|Te=اكتظاظ السكان (سكان)}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=1|Te=اكتظاظ السكان}}{{
Line 19: Line 19:
{{NewLineT|S=902|N=2}} {{
{{NewLineT|S=902|N=2}} {{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=2|Te=تخلخل السكان (خلخل)}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=2|Te=تخلخل السكان}}{{
Line 35: Line 35:
{{NewLineT|S=902|N=3}} {{
{{NewLineT|S=902|N=3}} {{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=I|N=3|Color=yes|Te=level of development}}{{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=I|N=3|Color=yes|Te=level of development}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=3|Te=مستوى تنمية (تنمية)}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=3|Te=مستوى تنمية}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=I|N=3|Color=yes|Te=vývojový stupeň}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=I|N=3|Color=yes|Te=vývojový stupeň}}{{
Line 48: Line 48:
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=I|N=4|Color=yes|Te=optimum population}}{{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=I|N=4|Color=yes|Te=optimum population}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=4|Te=عدد السكان الأفضل (عدد)}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=4|Te=عدد السكان الأفضل}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=I|N=4|Color=yes|Te=populační optimum}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=I|N=4|Color=yes|Te=populační optimum}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=I|N=4|SubN=2|Te=optimální populace}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=I|N=4|SubN=2|Te=optimální populace}}{{
Line 64: Line 64:
{{NewLineT|S=902|N=5}} {{
{{NewLineT|S=902|N=5}} {{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=I|N=5|Color=yes|Te=economic optimum}}{{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=I|N=5|Color=yes|Te=economic optimum}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=5|Te=عدد السكان الأفضل اقتصاديا (عدد)}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=5|Te=عدد السكان الأفضل اقتصاديا}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=I|N=5|Color=yes|Te=ekonomický optimum}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=I|N=5|Color=yes|Te=ekonomické optimum}}{{
TofT|Lang=de|Ed=I|N=5|Te=wirtschaftliches Bevölkerungsoptimum}}{{
TofT|Lang=de|Ed=I|N=5|Te=wirtschaftliches Bevölkerungsoptimum}}{{
TofT|Lang=es|Ed=I|N=5|Color=yes|Te=óptimo económico}}{{
TofT|Lang=es|Ed=I|N=5|Color=yes|Te=óptimo económico}}{{
Line 77: Line 77:
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=I|N=6|Color=yes|Te=level of living}}{{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=I|N=6|Color=yes|Te=level of living}}{{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=I|N=6|SubN=2|Te=standard of living}}{{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=I|N=6|SubN=2|Te=standard of living}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=6|Te=مستوى المعيشة (مستوى)}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=6|Te=مستوى المعيشة}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=I|N=6|Color=yes|Te=životní úroveň}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=I|N=6|Color=yes|Te=životní úroveň}}{{
TofT|Lang=de|Ed=I|N=6|Te=Höhe der Lebenshaltung}}{{
TofT|Lang=de|Ed=I|N=6|Te=Höhe der Lebenshaltung}}{{
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{{NewLineT|S=902|N=7}} {{
{{NewLineT|S=902|N=7}} {{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=I|N=7|Color=yes|Te=real national income per head}}{{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=I|N=7|Color=yes|Te=real national income per head}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=7|Te=نصيب الفرد من الدخل القومي الحقيقي (فرد)}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=I|N=7|Te=نصيب الفرد من الدخل القومي الحقيقي}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=I|N=7|Color=yes|Te=národní důchod na jednoho obyvatele}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=I|N=7|Color=yes|Te=národní důchod na jednoho obyvatele}}{{
TofT|Lang=de|Ed=I|N=7|Te=Sozialprodukt je Kopf der Bevölkerung}}{{
TofT|Lang=de|Ed=I|N=7|Te=Sozialprodukt je Kopf der Bevölkerung}}{{
Line 126: Line 126:
[[en-I:under-population]] [[ar-I:تخلخل السكان (خلخل)]] [[cs-I:nedolidnění]] [[de-I:Untervölkerung]] [[es-I:subpoblación]] [[fi-I:vajaakansoitus]] [[fr-I:sous-peuplement]] [[it-I:sottopopolazione]] [[pl-I:niedoludnienie]] [[pt-I:SUBPOPULAÇÃO]] [[ru-I:Недостаточная населенность]]  
[[en-I:under-population]] [[ar-I:تخلخل السكان]] [[cs-I:nedolidnění]] [[de-I:Untervölkerung]] [[es-I:subpoblación]] [[fi-I:vajaakansoitus]] [[fr-I:sous-peuplement]] [[it-I:sottopopolazione]] [[pl-I:niedoludnienie]] [[pt-I:SUBPOPULAÇÃO]] [[ru-I:Недостаточная населенность]]  

Latest revision as of 08:11, 11 February 2010

Under-population  (UNDER-POPULATION)

Consideration of the relation between population and resources leads to the concepts of over-population1 aud under-population2. These terms are, of course, defined only at a given fixed level of development3. There is said to be over-population when the elimination of a number of inhabitants would yield certain advantages to the remainder. Under-population, on the other hand, implies that such advantages would accrue from a rise in numbers. When neither an increase nor a decrease would yield advantages, there is said to be an optimum population4, sometimes briefly called an optimum4. The advantages yielded may be economic in character and in that case it is an economic optimum5. The discussion of economic optima generally proceeds in terms of economic welfare but as this is difficult to ascertain empirically, the level of living6 or standard of living6 is sometimes substituted. This is approximated by the real national income per head7, i.e., the total amount of goods and services produced in a particular period (or its equivalent in money income adjusted for variation in purchasing power) divided by the total population during the period.

  • 5. Some writers have used the concept of a power optimum and a social optimum as well as of an economic optimum.
  • 6. The expression "standard of living" is restricted by some economists to mean an accepted goal or recognized set of needs, as contrasted with the level of living actually attained. Others use these terms interchangeably.
  • 7. The erroneous term per capita is sometimes used.
