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Difference between revisions of "Population dependent on"

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(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
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[[en-I:population dependent on]] [[ar-I:سكان يعتمدون على (سكان)]] [[cs-I:obyvatelstvo příslušné (k určitému hospodářskému odvětví)]] [[de-I:Berufszugehöriger]] [[es-I:población que vive de ...]] [[fi-I:elinkeinosta elantonsa saava väestö]] [[fr-I:population vivant de]] [[it-I:popolazione vivente di ...]] [[pl-I:utrzymująca się  ludność]] [[pt-I:POPULAÇÃO dependente]] [[ru-I:Отрасли народного хозяйства как источники национального дохода]]  
[[en-I:population dependent on]] [[ar-I:سكان يعتمدون على (سكان)]] [[cs-I:obyvatelstvo příslušné (k určitému hospodářskému odvětví)]] [[de-I:Berufszugehöriger]] [[es-I:población que vive de ...]] [[fi-I:elinkeinosta elantonsa saava väestö]] [[fr-I:population vivant de]] [[it-I:popolazione vivente di ...]] [[pl-I:utrzymująca się  ludność]] [[pt-I:POPULAÇÃO dependente]] [[ru-I:Отрасли народного хозяйства как источники национального дохода]]  
{{DEFAULTSORT:Population dependent on}}
[[Category:Term of the first edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Term of the first edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]

Revision as of 16:31, 4 February 2010

Population dependent on  (POPULATION dependent on)

It is possible to classify the population by the sector of economic activity from which they derive their livelihood, dependants being put into the same category as their breadwinners. We speak of the population dependent on1 a particular branch of activity and in particular of the population dependent on agriculture2. The term agricultural population2 is sometimes used as a synonym, but may also be employed in the sense of farm population2 which lives on farms or is dependent on agriculture and which is distinguished from the non-farm population3 or non-agricultural population3.