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(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
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[[en-I:occupational disease]] [[ar-I:أمراض الحرفة (مرض)]] [[cs-I:nemoc z povolání]] [[de-I:Berufskrankheit]] [[es-I:enfermedad profesional]] [[fi-I:ammattisairaus]] [[fr-I:maladie professionnelle]] [[it-I:malattia professionale]] [[pl-I:choroby zawodowe]] [[pt-I:ENFERMIDADE profissional]] [[ru-I:Профессиональные заболевания]]  
[[en-I:occupational disease]] [[ar-I:أمراض الحرفة (مرض)]] [[cs-I:nemoc z povolání]] [[de-I:Berufskrankheit]] [[es-I:enfermedad profesional]] [[fi-I:ammattisairaus]] [[fr-I:maladie professionnelle]] [[it-I:malattia professionale]] [[pl-I:choroby zawodowe]] [[pt-I:ENFERMIDADE profissional]] [[ru-I:Профессиональные заболевания]]  
{{DEFAULTSORT:Occupational disease}}
[[Category:Term of the first edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Term of the first edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]

Revision as of 16:33, 4 February 2010

Occupational disease  (OCCUPATIONAL disease)

Specific death rates may be used to study differential mortality1 or mortality differences1 between different groups. In general, men suffer an excess mortality2 as compared with women of the same age. Members of different occupations may also be subject to different rates of mortality (401-2). The study of differences in the general death rate of specific occupations is called the study of occupational mortality3. In a rather different sense the term occupational mortality4 may refer to mortality from an occupational disease5, i.e., a disease which is definitely associated with a particular occupation, e.g. pneumoconiosis among miners. Such mortality is sometimes called occupational disease mortality4.