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(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
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[[en-I:immigration laws]] [[ar-I:قوانين الهجرة (هجرة)]] [[cs-I:přistěhovalecký zákon]] [[de-I:Einwanderungsgesetz]] [[es-I:leyes de inmigración]] [[fi-I:maahanmuuttolaki]] [[fr-I:loi sur l’immigration]] [[it-I:legge sull’immigrazione]] [[pl-I:ustawy o imigracji]] [[pt-I:LEIS de imigração]] [[ru-I:Иммиграционные законы]]  
[[en-I:immigration laws]] [[ar-I:قوانين الهجرة (هجرة)]] [[cs-I:přistěhovalecký zákon]] [[de-I:Einwanderungsgesetz]] [[es-I:leyes de inmigración]] [[fi-I:maahanmuuttolaki]] [[fr-I:loi sur l’immigration]] [[it-I:legge sull’immigrazione]] [[pl-I:ustawy o imigracji]] [[pt-I:LEIS de imigração]] [[ru-I:Иммиграционные законы]]  
{{DEFAULTSORT:Immigration laws}}
[[Category:Term of the first edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Term of the first edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]

Revision as of 17:00, 4 February 2010

Immigration laws  (IMMIGRATION laws)

Migration policy1 is one aspect of population policy. Most countries, through their immigration laws2, restrict the admittance of foreign nationals. These Jaws frequently provide for selective immigration3 of persons with certain specified characteristics. Some countries, the United States for example, have established quota systems4 whereby the number of immigrants admitted from each country is fixed in relation to the national origin5 of the receiving country’s inhabitants. Measures designed to influence the redistribution6 of population within a country through internal migration (802-5) are usually more indirect in character.
