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Difference between revisions of "Excess of births over deaths"

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(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
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[[en-I:excess of births over deaths]] [[ar-I:ارباء المواليد على الوفيات (وفاة)]] [[cs-I:bilance přirozené měny]] [[de-I:Bilanz der Zahlen der Geborenen und Gestorbenen]] [[es-I:saldo entre los nacimientos y las defun­ciones]] [[fi-I:syntyneiden enemmyys]] [[fr-I:balance des naissances et des décès]] [[it-I:bilancio dei nati e dei morti]] [[pl-I:saldo urodzeń i zgonów]] [[pt-I:EXCEDENTE da natalidade sobre a mortalidade]] [[ru-I:Разность от вычитания из числа родившихся числа умерших]]  
[[en-I:excess of births over deaths]] [[ar-I:ارباء المواليد على الوفيات (وفاة)]] [[cs-I:bilance přirozené měny]] [[de-I:Bilanz der Zahlen der Geborenen und Gestorbenen]] [[es-I:saldo entre los nacimientos y las defun­ciones]] [[fi-I:syntyneiden enemmyys]] [[fr-I:balance des naissances et des décès]] [[it-I:bilancio dei nati e dei morti]] [[pl-I:saldo urodzeń i zgonów]] [[pt-I:EXCEDENTE da natalidade sobre a mortalidade]] [[ru-I:Разность от вычитания из числа родившихся числа умерших]]  
{{DEFAULTSORT:Excess of births over deaths}}
[[Category:Term of the first edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Term of the first edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]

Revision as of 16:54, 4 February 2010

Excess of births over deaths  (EXCESS of births over deaths)

The interaction of fertility and mortality leads to a consideration of population growth1. Itis convenient to regard a population decline2 as negative growth3. A distinction may be drawn between a closed population4 in which there is no migration either inwards or outwards and whose growth depends entirely on the difference between births and deaths, and an open population5 in which there may be migration. The total growth6 of an open population consists of the balance of migration (cf. chapter 8) and natural growth7 or natural increase7 which is the excess of births over deaths8, sometimes called the balance of births and deaths8.