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(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
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[[en-I:broad age group]] [[ar-I:فئات أعمار واسعة (عمر)]] [[cs-I:širší věková skupina]] [[de-I:große Altersgruppe]] [[es-I:grandes grupos de edades]] [[fi-I:suuri ikäryhmä]] [[fr-I:grand groupe d’âges]] [[it-I:grande classe di età]] [[pl-I:wielkie grupy wieku]] [[pt-I:GRANDES grupos de idade]] [[ru-I:Возрастные группы с крупными интервалами]]  
[[en-I:broad age group]] [[ar-I:فئات أعمار واسعة (عمر)]] [[cs-I:širší věková skupina]] [[de-I:große Altersgruppe]] [[es-I:grandes grupos de edades]] [[fi-I:suuri ikäryhmä]] [[fr-I:grand groupe d’âges]] [[it-I:grande classe di età]] [[pl-I:wielkie grupy wieku]] [[pt-I:GRANDES grupos de idade]] [[ru-I:Возрастные группы с крупными интервалами]]  
{{DEFAULTSORT:Broad age group}}
[[Category:Term of the first edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Term of the first edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]

Revision as of 16:19, 4 February 2010

Broad age group  (BROAD age group)

The age distribution of a population is either given by individual years of age1 or by age groups2, which may be quinquennial age groups3 or quinary age groups3, or broad age groups4, such as 0-19 years, 20-59 years, 60 years and over. Occasionally a population’s age distribution6 or age structure6 is given by classifying the population by year of birth5. Graphically an age distribution may be represented by a population pyramid7 which is a histogram (155-8) showing the population by age and sex and so named because of its pyramidal shape.