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District  (DISTRICT)

Within a territory (301-2), certain terms are used for different kinds of conglomerations1 or aggregations1 of population, sometimes known as population aggregates1 or population clusters1. In rural areas, the smallest unit is a hamlet2 which generally consists of a very small collection of houses. A slightly larger conglomeration is the village3, which is generally a small community and which may have a mainly agricultural population. A town4 or city4 (303A and 303B) is a larger conglomeration in which there are in general few people engaged in agriculture, but the point at which the transition from village to town takes place is difficult to specify and varies in different countries. The seat of government of a territory in the sense of 305-1 is called its capital5. In a county, the place where the county government is situated is called the county town6 (or in the United States of America the county seat6). Towns may be divided into different districts7or quarters7 and for electoral purposes into wards7 (303A and 303B).

  • 4. A very large town is sometimes called a metropolismetropolitan adj. town n. — urban adj.
