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Dwelling  (DWELLING)

A dwelling1 or dwelling unit1 is a statistical abstraction denoting housing accommodation appropriate for occupation by one household (110-3). The size of a dwelling is measured by the number of its rooms2 or by its surface area3. The degree of crowding4 is a function of the size of the dwelling and of the number of its inhabitants. Crowding standards are applied to distinguish overcrowded dwellings5 and insufficiently occupied dwellings6. An unoccupied dwelling7 is a dwelling which is not used for residence either permanently or occasionally.

  • 1. A dwelling may consist of a private house, or part thereof, or of a flat or apartment which forms part of a block of flats or tenement house. In the United States a distinction is sometimes made between a one-household structure and a multiple-household structure. Statistics of houses by the number of floors or storeys are sometimes provided.
    It should be noted that in Europe the ground floor is not generally counted, whereas in the United States it is called the first floor.
  • 2. There is no fixed rule as to whether or not the kitchen is included in the number of rooms.
  • 5. overcrowded adj. — overcrowding n.
