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Employer  (EMPLOYER)

The working population (350-1) is also usually classified by employment status1 (351-3) (as employer, employee etc.). In this classification employers2 are distinguished from employees3 (or the employed3 (351-1)) on the one hand and from workers on own account4 or independent workers4 on the other. The latter do not employ labour for pay, but they, as well as employers, may be assisted by unpaid family workers5 or family helpers5, who are usually distinguished as a separate group. A combination of occupational and status classifications may be used to construct social status categories6.

  • 1. The classification by status (as employer, employee, etc.) is designated by many different terms in the censuses of various countries, including "industrial status", "status in employment", "social status", "position in industry", "class of worker", etc.
  • 2. Managers are sometimes counted with employers though they are themselves employed.
