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Literate  (LITERATE)

The population is also often classified by educational status1. A person who can neither read nor write is called illiterate2. A literate3 person is one who is able both to read and to write. A person who is able only to read but not to write may be called semi-literate4 and such persons are sometimes classed with the literate and at other times with the illiterate population. The term "semi-literate" is also used colloquially to denote a person who can read or write only with difficulty. Statistics dealing with these groups of persons are called literacy statistics5. Educational status is, however, also often expressed in terms of years of schooling completed6 or in terms of the highest certificate7 or diploma7 or degree7 awarded. Such certificates will vary with the educational system8 of each country.

  • 2. illiterate adj. — illiteracy n.
  • 3. literate adj. — literacy n.
