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(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
(Eugen Grebenik et al., first edition 1958)
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[[Category:Term of the first edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Term of the first edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Mortality and morbidity|4]]
[[Category:Mortality and morbidity]]

Revision as of 20:14, 7 November 2009

Cause mortality  (CAUSE mortality)

The study of morbidity1 deals with the investigation of illness2, sickness2, ill-health2 or disease2 in a population. Statistics of disease are referred to as morbidity statistics3 or sickness statistics3. As the distinction between health and illness is not sharply defined, it is not always easy to determine the number of cases of disease4 accurately. Health statistics5 cover all aspects of the health of a population, and are generally taken to include statistics of cause mortality6, i. e., mortality classified by cause of death7. As a number of diseases may be causes of death, a combined classification of illness and cause of death is frequently used.

  • 1. morbidity n., morbid adj.
  • 2. sickness n., — sick adj. — illness n., — ill adj. — disease n., — diseased adj.
